My experience with yoga injuries

My experience with yoga injuries

Anyone dedicated to physical disciplines, whether in sports, ballet, or gymnastics, understands that injuries are an unfortunate part of our journey. Yoga is no exception. Injuries can occur due to inattention, overestimating one’s capabilities, fatigue, or...
Séquence EPAULES

Séquence EPAULES

L’articulation de l’épaule a une grande mobilité, mais aussi une grande instabilité qui est fréquemment la cause de blessures (tendinite, luxation de l’épaule. hyper-extensions…). Afin d’eviter cela, ci-jointe une sequence detaillée de Yoga pour des épaules en...
Apr.’22 Newsletter

Apr.’22 Newsletter

As Singapore is softening restrictions, and after 2 difficult years from a well-being point of view, it is time to reconnect with one’s inner self and find the right balance. The good news is that Yoga can help.\\ > Click on the link to read the newsletter:...
Sept.’21 Newsletter

Sept.’21 Newsletter

Back to yoga! Latest news including new Iyengar studio in Serangoon Garden, important information related to class development, new workshops, and inspiring article about evolution in yoga > Click on the link to read the...