Origin of Yoga


Yoga is an ancient science

The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj” which means to tie, join, harness under the yoke, direct and focus attention for use in meditation. Therefore Yoga is the art of bringing an incoherent and dispersed mind to a state of reflection and coherence. It is the communion of the human soul with the Divine.

One of the greatest benefits of the yoga approach is that it helps combat the negative effects of pain, disability, and stress on your mind and body. Approaching these rehabilitation exercises in a self-exploratory way helps you learn about the sources of pain in your body and their connection to your feelings, emotions, experiences, and expectations. The yoga approach to exercise provides powerful skills for coping with the ups and downs of daily life.

Source: “Light on Pranayama”, B.K.S Iyengar


Sage Patanjali

Patanjali was a sage in India who lived in 5th Century B.C. He was the author of three brilliant works. One was on Sanskrit grammar. The second was on ancient Indian medicine, Ayurveda. The third and the most important work was on Yoga. It is called the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Because Patanjali realized that Yoga had become too complex and diversified for anyone to grasp in a meaningful way, he codified all aspects of yoga into a certain format known as the Yoga Sutras. In this brief work, containing only 196 sayings, Patanjali clearly explains what Yoga is.

To enable us to cultivate good personal qualities, and overcome the hurdles of life, Patanjali laid down an eight-fold path. This unique path is known as the Ashtanga-Yoga of Patanjali. A person who follows this path is called a yogi.