What people are saying


Group classes

“  I’ve been practicing Iyengar yoga with Olga for over a year now, and her passion and dedication are truly inspiring.

She is extremely knowledgeable and always takes the time to explain each pose in detail, including the benefits and precise positioning of every muscles and bones. Her thorough explanations ensure that every student understands where to direct their efforts for maximum benefit.

I am incredibly grateful for her guidance, as practicing yoga with her has significantly improved both my physical and mental well-being. Her teaching has been a transformative experience, and I highly recommend her classes to anyone looking to deepen their yoga practice.

Jean-Jaques V.

Why I would recommend Olga’s classes and what it did for me 

– Olga is knowledgeable and able to explain thoroughly every movement. Her knowledge goes far beyond positions and shapes, yet her humble nature will only disclose information as you progress. She will not overflow you with information or conceit.

–  Olga is passionate about yoga and focused on sharing her expertise towards other’s well being. She has her students at heart and is always ready for you. She is focused on teaching fundamentals but also on your journey.

– Olga cares and feeds from your interest. Her smile grows as one progresses and shows eagerness. She gently takes you towards more challenges at your own pace.

My experience: I came to yoga 3 years ago, to follow a friend and get back to physical activity. Like many others, the best part for me was relaxation at the end. It was a real discovery. For practical reasons (and recommendation) I came across Olga’s class last year. It was quite different: less sweating yet more sore muscles.

As I started to understand the positions better I was able to progress and feel my body getting in shape from the inside.I also felt that I was missing something if I had to skip a lesson. I came to realize that Olga’s classes gave me more than a physical exercise. After a class, I feel better not only physically but also emotionally: less tense and stressed.

Dear Olga, I want to thank you for your dedication in these difficult times.


Claire J.

“ There are so many places to practice yoga in Singapore that regular yogi practitioners might either be confused or super happy to go here and there. As a beginner, I was looking for a sport that makes sense : giving some good time to my muscles and enjoying the feeling of achievement and pleasure in the practice.

I found 10 times more with Olga : a rigor in the practice that is mixed with an amazing softness, the respect of an etiquette (I am coming from a Japanese martial art) as well as the respect of our body type and natural flexibility, a real bonding in the group and a continuous guidance in the movements to help us improve and look for limits, in a safe way.

Iyengar yoga is definitively helping beginners to align the body as well as Olga’s voice and set of poses lead us to a calm and positive state of mind…

Olga is very experienced and is highly appreciated by experienced yogi. But this is not about being experienced or awkward in our movements, it is more about feeling engaged and stretched, welcoming the generosity and peace of mind that Olga is giving to all of us … Thank you Olga 🙏🏼 !!

Stephanie T.

“Action is movement with intelligence. The world is filled with movement. What the world needs is more conscious movement, more action”  –  BKS Iyengar.

Olga is such a passionate and creative yoga teacher, always pulling in useful help and detail from the precision, alignment in the performance of the asanas (yoga postures), anatomy, physiology, Hindu mythology, and personal experiences. This particular blend makes Olga’s classes a delight that leaves me feeling fresh and relaxed after each session, twice a week.

Her personality traits including listening, patience, kindness, and ability to motivate and inspire are perfectly reflective of yoga philosophy – a harmony of the body, of the senses, of the spirit, and of the intellect.

Let me express my gratitude to Teacher Olga for bringing the best out of me.

Bertrand T.

“It has been a long process, this week it is the first time I could do Sirsasana headstand!

A year ago I had a personal injury that had a massive impact in my daily life as a music teacher. Yoga and phisio helped me me to heal shoulder and neck and to function again: the sensation in my arm has returned and yoga has helped me build strength. I can play viola again for short period of time (albeit badly – but then I don’t have to prove anything to anyone).

I’d like to thank my wonderful teacher Olga for all her patience and dedication, and her excellence and her kind persistence – nobody gets away with wrong alignment in her class!


Susanne H.

Having practiced Vinyasa yoga a few years back in France, I was looking for the opportunity to resume yoga lessons here in Singapore. I found myself a bit “rusty” in spite of some exercices at home.

With Olga’s teaching, I got exactly what I needed: Iyengar Yoga can really be done by everyone, it makes you feel great, connecting your mind with your body. I enjoy the way she listens to each people during the class, making you feel she is your individual teacher but yet in a group.

The sequences of asana are very well chosen, bringing you at the end of the session to a stage where you just feel completely regenerated and serene.

Jean-Christophe M.

Since September, I have been practicing Iyengar yoga in Olga’s studio. I had a few a priori but want to try anyway and now, for nothing in the world, I would miss my weekly session.

This practice allows me to have a better perception of my body and my mind. Olga, thanks to her progressive teaching and her professionalism, makes me aware of my breathing, allows me to tone my muscles, realign and strengthen my spine, reduce my stress and tensions.

In addition, Olga knows how to adapt to everyone’s physical capacities, she offers modifications for those who cannot reach posture. His studio is very well equipped, the equipment (strap, bricks, chairs) also makes it possible to compensate for the too short muscles, the stiffness of the body.

Olga lessons are dynamic, they lead me to bodily and mental well-being. It’s really 1h30 (sometimes 2h car Olga takes its time, corrects us, explains us with great pedagogy all postures) where I have fun, I relax, I sweat and when I go out, I am fine.

Olga also helps me to better withstand this period of confinement because she provides lessons via Zoom in which I participate twice a week and which are as professional as in the studio. Thanks Olga!

Sandrine C.

J’ai participé aux cours d’Olga à raison de deux séances par semaine cette année, soient trois heures au total alors que je n’avais pas pratiqué depuis 8 ans. Au-delà des bienfaits physiques que m’a apporté le yoga en particulier pour la respiration et la souplesse, cette discipline m’a permis également de me reconnecter avec moi-même.

La pratique du yoga que propose Olga est guidée par un désir de transmission qu’il est rare de trouver dans les cours habituellement proposés.

Formée en Inde au plus proche des origines du yoga, avec des maîtres reconnus, animée d’une soif de connaissances qui chaque jours lui permet de continuer d’apprendre et de se former, Olga nous guide, nous corrige et adapte son cours pour répondre aux besoins de chacun.

Elle le fait avec passion, rigueur, bienveillance et douceur dans son beau studio. Débutant ou confirmé, chaque élève a son rythme peut progresser dans une ambiance très cocooning et sympathique.

Pour toutes ces raisons, je ne saurais que recommander la pratique du Yoga avec Olga qui saura vous accompagner, comme  elle l’a fait avec moi, dans la bienveillance et l’empathie.

English translation:

I have attended Olga’s classes for two sessions per week this year, for a total of three hours when I had not practiced in 8 years. Beyond the physical benefits that yoga has given me, especially for breathing and flexibility, this discipline has also allowed me to reconnect with myself.

The yoga practice Olga offers is guided by a desire for transmission that is rare to find in the classes usually offered.

Trained in India as close as possible to the origins of yoga, with recognized masters, driven by a thirst for knowledge which every day allows her to continue learning and training, Olga guides us, corrects us and adapts her course to meet to everyone’s needs. She does it with passion, rigor, kindness and gentleness in her beautiful studio. Beginner or confirmed, each student can progress at their own pace in a very cocooning and friendly atmosphere.

For all these reasons, I can only recommend the practice of Yoga with Olga who will be able to accompany you, as she did with me, in kindness and empathy.

Sandrine V.

I discovered Yoga with Olga in my late 40s. I paddle a lot (Dragon Boat and Va’a) and strenuous exercises like paddling, cycling, gym, … can take a toll on the body if not counterbalanced by lots of stretching; this is where Yoga came in for me: a set of well-guided positions helping the body to stretch and relax.

Only one regret, I should have started years ago!

Olga brings a unique approach to Yoga, having learned in India, is able to easily accompany newbies to these physical, mental, and spiritual practices.

Thierry J.

Olga nous accompagne dans notre pratique du yoga avec gentillesse, professionnalisme et attention envers chacun dans la réalisation des postures. Olga fait de chaque séance un moment de recentrage sur soi et un juste dosage de travail musculaire adapté à chacun et de relaxation profonde dont les bénéfices diffusent sur la semaine.

Merci Olga pour la qualité de tes séances, pour ton accompagnement bienveillant dans notre progression et pour tous les bénéfices après chaque séance.

English translation:

Olga accompanies us in our yoga practice with kindness, professionalism, and attention to everyone in the realization of the postures. Olga makes each session a moment of refocusing on oneself and the right dosage of muscular work adapted to each one and of deep relaxation whose benefits spread over the week. Thank you Olga for the quality of your sessions, for your kind support in our progress, and for all the benefits after each session.

Anne B.

Depuis 4 mois, Olga m’accompagne dans la pratique du yoga Iyengar dans son studio parfaitement aménagé et équipé.

Olga est passionnée, attentive à faire progresser ses élèves et à partager son savoir et son intérêt pour cette discipline rigoureuse et précise.

Patiente, attentionnée, Olga personnalise son accompagnement en s’adaptant à tous les  niveaux, aux éventuelles douleurs et aux besoin de chacun. Elle explique comment réaliser les postures-asanas avec le bon alignement afin d’en tirer les avantages tant physique que mental.

L’utilisation des accessoires permet de rendre ce yoga accessible à tous.

Dès les premières séances avec Olga j’ai ressenti les bienfaits de cette pratique  : tensions du corps libérées, flexibilité et souplesse, meilleure concentration, bien-être mental.

Merci beaucoup Olga pour ta bienveillance et tes encouragements.


Olga has a tremendous capability to drive her passion for yoga and immerse you in every yoga session!

She is very clear, calm, and always attending to the needs of participants.

It’s a real pleasure doing yoga with her and it contributes nicely in balancing my other sports activities that tend to be more “active” to the body.

Great discovery!

Thanks a lot

Richard B.

Je suis arrivée au cours de yoga la première fois encouragée par une amie. Ce fut la découverte d’une nouvelle approche que je ne connaissais pas du tout. J’ai  alors été surprise car j’avais pratiqué avant un yoga plus méditatif.

Olga est une prof motivante et pleine d’énergie qui prend le temps de rectifier nos positions et nous amène en douceur vers les poses les plus techniques.

On ne s’ennuie pas et grâce à Olga on ne voit pas l’heure et demi défiler! Je ressors sereine et pleine d’énergie.

Alix F.

Thank you, dear Olga, for your yoga classes!

You are such a wonderful teacher: passionate, knowledgeable and caring!

Your step by step approach to yoga is never too fast for me, but also never too slow. Your lessons are paced so that calm is diffused, alongside the drive to learn and act in a careful and conscientious way!

You inspire me with your graceful approach to Iyengar yoga, and watching you move your flexible and strong body makes me want to practice with you and yet it is never overwhelming or discouraging.

The perfect mix of action, rest, excitement, the release of tension, plenty of tips to move and feel better, and the historical notes about the origins of Iyengar yoga makes me look forward to every single class with you!

You are very precious as a teacher and as a person!

Alla A.

I love how welcome Olga makes you feel at her studio. She is very attentive and structured and makes you feel safe and secure — perhaps one of the most important aspects of any yoga teacher! Her lessons are very well planned and meticulously structured for the specific needs of every student.

As a female yoga practitioner of many years, I, personally, really appreciate Olga’s dedication to allowing space for the female practice. In addition, Olga herself is an excellent yoga practitioner which helps you to connect to her also on the very practical level.

If you are looking for a dedicated, caring, and warm yoga teacher in the true style of Iyengar yoga then look no further!


Ayant séjourné chez mes enfants à Singapour pendant deux mois, j’ai eu la chance de participer, chaque semaine avec ma fille, aux cours de yoga dispensés par Olga.

Tous les vendredis, nous nous rendions chez elle pour une séance d’une heure et demie souvent prolongée d’une demi-heure.

J’ai beaucoup apprécié la gentillesse et le professionnalisme d’Olga : ses cours sont préparés avec minutie. Elle explique chaque exercice en le réalisant elle-même devant nous et nous propose des variantes en fonctions des possibilités de chacun.

Olga ne prend pas beaucoup d’élèves en même temps dans son studio si bien qu’elle est très proche de nous pour corriger nos postures. Tout le matériel nécessaire à la réalisation des exercices est mis à notre disposition.

On travaille dans une ambiance très sereine et les cours se terminent souvent par un moment de convivialité durant lequel on échange librement.

Mon souhait, si j’ai la chance de revenir à Singapour, sera de participer à nouveau aux cours d’Olga.

English translation:

Having stayed with my children in Singapore for two months, I had the chance to participate, each week with my daughter, in the yoga lessons given by Olga. Every Friday, we went to her house for a session of an hour and a half often extended by half an hour. I really appreciated the kindness and the professionalism of Olga: her lessons are carefully prepared. She explains each exercise by performing it herself in front of us and offers us variants depending on the possibilities of each. Olga does not take many students at the same time in her studio so that she is very close to us to correct our postures. All the material necessary for carrying out the exercises is made available to us. We work in a very serene atmosphere and the lessons often end with a moment of conviviality during which we exchange freely. My wish, if I have the chance to return to Singapore, will be to participate in Olga’s courses again.

Danielle C.

Merci Olga !!
Pleine de gratitude pour ces mouvements que tu nous a permis de faire … grâce à toi nous avons osé pleins de postures. Je me sens revigorée, recentrée et surtout j’ai pris du temps pour moi, et rien que ça c’est précieux.
Merci aussi pour ta douceur, ta présence et ta délicatesse. Tu nous explique super bien les positions, et cela aide beaucoup.
Merci à toutes pour cette belle énergie et cette bienveillance 🙏🧘‍♀️

Aurore V.

Thank you for this moment of so refreshing break in our daily life!

Thank you for your support, Olga, which has allowed us to progress. These 3 days have helped me a lot to overcome the frustration of being stuck in Singapore. Kisses and happy holidays to all

I had forgotten the well-being that yoga brings, I rediscovered it … a beautiful experience that I will try to repeat!

Olga is a patient, attentive and caring yoga teacher. She is very knowledgeable and takes the time to adapt the practice to each of her students.

She offers a progressive approach through the use of props, guidance, and gentle correction for a very impactful practice.

The 1.5-hour session leaves the mind rested, the body balanced and tonified for many days.

She knows healing and corrective practices suitable for every level and most conditions.

Each of my classes with Olga is a fantastic journey through the body and the mind, leaving me energized and peaceful.

Anne L.

Retreats & workshops

“ As a 45-year-old woman with three years of regular yoga practice under my belt, attending Olga's yoga retreat in Bali was a transformative experience. Olga, my trusted teacher, led the sessions with an unparalleled level of expertise, delivering precise instructions and providing individualized adjustments that catered to each participant's unique needs. Her guidance was instrumental in deepening our practice and understanding of yoga.

Nestled amidst the breathtaking hills and serene rice paddies of Ubud, the hotel provided an ideal environment for introspection and rejuvenation. The comfortable accommodations complemented the spiritually enriching atmosphere, while the delicious food nourished both body and soul.

The retreat proved to be both spiritually nourishing and physically beneficial. The daily sessions not only enhanced my yoga practice but also fostered a deeper connection between mind, body, and spirit.

Looking ahead, this retreat has immensely enriched my future yoga practice and encouraged me to delve deeper into various aspects of yoga

Alix A.

“ Olga took such excellent care of us all. She spent time alone every day tweaking her programme so that each one of us knew that we were getting exactly the yoga we needed. The daily practice was intense, but it never felt like too much. I came away from the week feeling refreshed and transformed.

The setting of the hotel and yoga shala was so peaceful, perched above the rice terraces. Various temples were nearby where we could experience the water purification rituals. Olga had a Balinese traditional healer come for a special session with us. It was a week for both mind and body.

Cindy K.

“  I spent the last 5 days at a yoga retreat in Ubud, with a group of women led by our Singapore-based yoga-teacher Olga. I was the newbie in a group of women who already had practiced together and had attended a previous retreat together late last year.i was welcomed easily and warmly and felt immediately integrated, even with French being the lingua Franca and me keeping up to make sure I understood the rough contours of the conversation. I haven’t really done anything solo like this is decades (possibly, ever??) so was initially ambivalent when Marc urged me to sign up to join. Needless to say, it’s the best thing I’ve done for myself in a very long time!

In the last week, I did not eat meat (we were staying in a vegg oriented 13-room hotel), I did not see myself in a mirror (except the one over the sink), I slept 8 hours or so, woke with the roosters and was in class by 7am (for those who know me, this early morning commitment is a feat!). Comparatively, it was an ascetic existence, but without deprivation.

I learned more than the improvement of the poses, but began to understand the cultural context and spirit of yoga more deeply. I learned some basic invocations, and key words in Sanskrit to bring the chanting to meaningful life. We practiced pranayama, which made me more aware of the gift of breath. My mind was unperturbed, and disparate memories from throughout my life, episodes I had forgotten about, came back in small revelations. The yoga was so encompassing I did not manage to capture any of this in writing, except for now.

On our last day together, we hiked down during a crazy rainstorm into the heart of the rice terraces and jungle, to participate in a Balinese purification ceremony. I had participated in a similar ritual once before (on Jan 1 this year!) but this experience was completely different and unexpected. Confronted by the last stage of purification, under the small but powerful waterfalls, I felt a shocking and intense release of emotion which I still do not quite understand. I think the catalysts were a mix of the yoga, pranayama (conscious breathwork), and the atmosphere itself. It was freeing, ineffable. I have come away, “cleansed”, lighter in perception.

I am grateful to Olga for a magical week of yoga, which was transformative physically, mentally and spiritually. I am thankful to my new-found clutch of wonderful women friends, who have been so open, kind and also entertaining!

And of course, thank you to Marc and Ingo for being supportive (I didn’t want to go initially because this was a week of big exams for ingo) and for encouraging me to do this for myself. 💖⭐️🙏🏽 ‎

Owi R.

“ I didn’t know Olga, but joined her retreat on the recommendation of a friend from Singapore. What a joy!

She is an extremely experienced, conscientious and truly exceptional teacher, besides being an absolutely lovely person! Our yoga sessions were well-balanced, challenging but neither overwhelming nor tiring. A wonderful way to open the body and mind. The week went by too quickly. Really inspired me to get back on track with my personal practice too!

Suarapura Resort provided a perfect yoga shala and was also a peaceful haven surrounded by rice terraces and many temples within close proximity for visits.

Thank you Olga for offering us this treasure.

Nancy from Nantes

“ I really enjoyed the yoga retreat in Bali. The location was wonderful (hotel, surroundings and yoga shala). I enjoyed the daily rythm of early morning session, free time by the pool or visiting, followed by a late afternoon session. Olga is a wonderful teacher, whose clear and precise instructions helped me deepen and improve my practice. A great experience!

Mary from Paris

“ First of course the lessons. I really liked the quality of the lessons as usual and the way Olga gave lessons at adaptable levels. Also the fact that Olga takse the time to correct each one, I find it a great luxury for the students.

Then of course: the company. I really liked our diverse group, whose coherence was created throughout the course.

Finally, the place was truly sublime, perfectly suited to this type of workshop.
So for me it was really a very unique experience due to the exclusivity of the classes and the location.
Resulting in more calm more serenity more clarity. My only regret is having missed the first two days.

Isabelle A.