Séquence EPAULES

Séquence EPAULES

L’articulation de l’épaule a une grande mobilité, mais aussi une grande instabilité qui est fréquemment la cause de blessures (tendinite, luxation de l’épaule. hyper-extensions…). Afin d’eviter cela, ci-jointe une sequence detaillée de Yoga pour des épaules en...
Healthy spine

Healthy spine

This gentle sequence helps to relieve lower backache. This pain is often caused by stiffness in the ligaments or muscles of the lower back or weak abdominal muscles. Poor posture and lack of exercise usually lead to tights and swollen back muscles, resulting in pain...
Yoga at workplace

Yoga at workplace

You can use this sequence to practice at your workstation in the office (or home office!) when you feel tired, sleepy, or stressed and need to take a break to re-energize after sedentary work. >> Clik on the following link to open/download the material  ...
Standing poses

Standing poses

The standing poses are the basis for all the other asanas and play an important role in Iyengar yoga practice. They bring balance and stability and correct the physical body by providing the basic principles of movement. Standing postures enhance body and mind agility...
Yoga for Kids

Yoga for Kids

This sequence of 22 poses is specially developed to help young children to have the first initiation to yoga and practice yoga at home. The poses imitate flora and fauna. They will gain self-awareness of their body; improve concentration and memory as well as...