Studio Class Schedule

Limited group size. Contact me for available time slots



(Private classes)



09:00-10:30 (L1)

18:00-19:30 (L1-2)



08:30-10:00 (L2)



Yoga for Women (NEW!)


 08:00-09:30 (L2)

(Afternoon: private classes)


 10:00-11:30 (L2)

16:00-17:30 (L1-L2)

Iyengar Yoga Class description

Introductory course

Course for first acquaintance with the Iyengar yoga method. Course is designed for those who have not previously practiced yoga or who have come to the Iyengar method from other yoga schools. You will learn the basic movements in simple poses and Shavasana (relaxation).

Level 1 (Beginners)

The next level after Introductory. Corresponds to the first year of your regular yoga practice. This level will teach you to recognize and create the correct posture of the body and understand skeleton and muscle alignments. It includes a detailed study of the basic postures – standing asanas, sitting, bending, twisting, flexing, abdominal, restoring, detailed development of the shoulder stand (Sarvangasana), and its variations. I recommend attending at least 2 lessons per week at this level to achieve results. Home practice is welcome.

Check our asanas sequence for self-practice (beginner level)  standing poses and  everyday sequence

Level 2 (Intermediate)

Corresponds to the second year of your regular yoga practice. This is the deepening of the simple asanas practice. We study various groups of postures – standing, lying, sitting, bending backward, stretching forward, twisting, boat poses, pelvic openings and simple balance on hands. We begin mastering more complex asanas and dynamic practices (e.g Surya Namaskar) and introduce Pranayama (e.g Ujayi, Viloma, Bhramari). We learn and practise Shirshasana (Headstand). Starting from this level, regular home practice along with attending 1-3 classes a week under the guidance of a teacher is highly recommended. As a rule, I recommend attending Levels 1 and 2 for 1-2 years, depending on the intensity of your practice.

Restorative & Yoga Therapy

Restorative Yoga: These sessions are specially designed for those who want to address specific chronic pains and body discomforts such as stiff back, shoulders & neck pains, knees injury recovery, or trauma associated with heavy sports practice.

Yoga for Women: Iyengar yoga, renowned for its precision and alignment-focused practice, offers profound benefits to women navigating menstruationpre-menopause, and menopause. Olga will guide you through a gentle practice designed to release tension in the pelvis and create well-being

Private classes

Those classes are designed for those who cannot attend the group classes because of busy schedule or are seeking one-on-one attention to suit unique lifestyle and body needs.

Kids classes

Iyengar yoga for children 6-12 years old. These classes are fun, lively, and interactive as children imitate poses after flora and fauna. They will gain self-awareness of their body; improve concentration and memory as well as experiencing calming effect after the yoga practice.

Check our sequence of asanas specially designed for kids self-practise here

Note: Classes can be conducted in English or French.


Iyengar Yoga Certified Teacher

Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI)