Yoga for Women & Restorative Yoga


Yoga for Women

Class type: Group class | Thursday 10:30am-12:00am

Iyengar yoga, renowned for its precision and alignment-focused practice, offers profound benefits to women navigating menstruation, pre-menopause, and menopause.

During menstruation, specific yoga sequences aid in relieving menstrual discomfort and cramps. Gentle supine poses like Supta Baddha Konasana , Supta Virasana or Supta Svastikasana alleviate pain, open and irrigate pelvic area and provide a sense of relaxation.

Menopause is a natural physiological process. It’s characterized by a loss of ovarian estrogen production. The asanas focusing on the pelvic region (supine or sitting) widen the pelvis and enhance the blood circulation to the reproductive organs supporting their health and function.

Because Iyengar Yoga works with active standing asanas and helps stay physically active, it enhances body metabolism, avoids weight gain, and helps prevent coronary artery diseases. Inverted postures provide very good blood circulation to the brain and help its functions while strengthening concentration, emotional stability, and hormonal balance. Additionally, Pranayama fosters mental clarity and interior quietness, easing mood swings and anxiety often associated with this period of life.

The emphasis on props in Iyengar yoga ensures comfort and support, making it accessible to women at all stages of life. Its therapeutic approach provides a safe space for women to explore their bodies’ changes, embracing the journey with grace and strength. Iyengar yoga becomes not just a physical practice but a « Gem for Women » offering holistic support during these transformative phases of life

NOTE: While Yoga is NOT a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment, it can provide multiple benefits as a complement, and only under the supervision of an experienced Iyengar yoga teacher.

Restorative Yoga

Class type: private class sessions (up to 2 persons) | Timing is on-demand

These sessions are specially designed for those who want to address specific chronic pains and body discomforts such as stiff back, shoulders & neck pains, knees injury recovery, or stiffness associated with heavy sports practice.

Iyengar’s innovations with props has made yoga a useful help for mutiple kinds of medical conditions.

Chronic pains for which people have benefited from Yoga Practice include some of the following:

  • Skeleto-muscular Disorders : Arthritis of the knee, shoulder, Cervical Spondylosis, Lower back pain, Slipped Disc and Sciatica Pain.
  • Circulatory Disorders : Heart problems, Relief from Angina pain, Hypertension, Circulatory problems in the legs.
  • Digestive Disorders : Constipation, Acidity, Colitis, Hiatus Hernia.
  • Respiratory Disorders : Asthma, Sinusitis and Bronchitis.
  • Nervous Disorders : Headache and Migraine.
  • Menopause and pre-menopause: Restorative and supportive poses can improve the undesirable side effects of menopause, including hot flashes and has positive effect on hormones balance.

ALSO: Check our Healthy Spine asana sequence you can practise at home as well as Yoga at workplace to avoid stiff back while working at computer!

NOTE: While Yoga is NOT a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment, it can provide multiple benefits as a complement, and only under the supervision of an experienced Iyengar yoga teacher.

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Iyengar Yoga Certified Teacher

Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI)